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Our Blog

Fall is a Great Time to Plant
Fall is a Great Time to Plant

For gardeners in many parts of the country, fall is a great time to plant just about anything. Except in the coldest regions, fall can provide most perennials, shrubs and trees with enough time to become established in their new home before experiencing extreme heat, cold or drought.

Woman holding small pruners
Pruning Basics

This is the summary text for a sample blog record demonstrating the capability of adding videos to your blogs. Hope you like it.

Don't be penny wise and pound foolish
Don't be penny wise and pound foolish

Grabbing an image from the Internet and putting it on your website is 'free' when you do it, but could end up costing you dearly in the long term.

Using Color in the Garden
Using Color in the Garden

When planning a garden, think of it as a painting; some colors dominate and are spread with broad brush strokes here, while other colors will give depth and dimension with small dabs here and there.

Easy Pollinator Garden
Easy Pollinator Garden

This would be the text about how to have an easy pollinator garden if this was a real blog entry. However, it's just a demo, so no real info here.

What are Seed Tapes and How Do I Use Them?
What are Seed Tapes and How Do I Use Them?

Seed tapes are a pre-sown product of single or multiple species of seeds that are already spaced between tissue layers at the correct distance for growing. Many flower, vegetable or herb seeds can be purchased already incorporated into these products.