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Going Green
Green...sustainability...eco-friendly...these are all words you have probably heard. We continue to look for ways to improve and become more eco-friendly while reamining profitable.
Jumbo Market Paks
- Biodegradable and natural looking
- Made from recycled newspaper
Other ways that Didden practices environmental integrity and sustainability
- Recycle plastics: plug trays, old pots and trays, poly film, etc.
- Recycle cardboard
- Purchase supplies in bulk pallets to reduce waste
- Recycle our compost and give it away to customers and the community
- Using Biocontrols in some greenhouses (beneficial insects that eat and destroy the “bad” insects)
- In two of our greenhouses we can recycle/reuse water
- Use IPM system to reduce our use of harsh chemicals
- Locally grown—we try to deliver our products to you as efficiently as possible, which reduces fuel usage