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Poinsettia-Euphorbia pulcherrima 'Ice Punch'

  • A fabulous example of a poinsettia with a patterned bract, this cultivar features cranberry and frosty white coloring.

Plants are available seasonally based on demand. Please check availability to order.

House Plant
Full Sun
Season of Interest (Flowering)
Season of Interest (Foliage)
Soil Moisture
Moist, Well-Drained
Growing & Maintenance Tips for Poinsettia-Euphorbia pulcherrima 'Ice Punch'

Place plant in indirect sunlight for at least 6 hours per day. Provide room temperates of 68-70 degrees farenheit. Water plants thoroughly when soil is dry to touch. Use a large roomy shopping bag when transporting poinsettias. DO NOT fertilize plant during blooming season. DO NOT expose plants to temperatures below 50 degrees farenheit. DO NOT allow plants to sit in water. DO NOT expose plants to chilling winds.