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Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Saturn'


  • Burgundy-red foliage with a central chartreuse margin
  • Unique rusty orange color
  • Named after the Sedona Mountains
  • Offered in 4.5" green and Presto pots

Plants are available seasonally based on demand. Please check availability to order.

Proven Winners
Great Foliage
Low Maintenance
Full Sun
Partial Sun
Foliage Color
Soil Moisture
Average Water
Growing & Maintenance Tips for Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Saturn'

Many people feel that coleus look best before they flower. To keep foliage in top shape, pinch off the blooms as they appear if you wish. Rules of Thumb for Overwintering Plants Indoors 1. Choose only healthy plants 2. Bring Plants indoors before frost damages foliage 3. Treat for disease and insects before bringing plants indoors 4. Place in bright areas and add humidity using pebble trays or spray bottles 5. Be careful not to over water 6 When active growth starts in spring fertilize and prune as needed 7. Introduce your plants slowly to outdoor conditions in spring